Adriana Vlad

Graduated The "Lungu Vespasian" School of Arts - Braila, with a major in singing, won numerous awards from various music festivals in Romania.

Adriana Vlad

Graduated The "Lungu Vespasian" School of Arts - Braila, with a major in singing.

Graduated the Hyperion University of Arts - Acting, Magda Catone and Tomi Cristin class, Bucharest
Masters degree in Acting, Univ. Hyperion, Bucharest.

Adriana won numerous awards at several music festivals of kind in Romania, the most important being:

  • The prize for Debut Operetta Section - with the Musical “Rebecca” at the VIP Gala Awards “Artele Spectacolului Muzical” - 2011
  • 1st place at “Mamaia Festival” in 2009, Creation section
  • 2nd place at “Mamaia Festival” in 2004

Collaborated with the "Constantin Tanase" Theatre - Bucharest (singer).

Musical Collaborations: “Petre Geambasu” Orchestra for the show "Dancing with the Stars", “Calin Geambasu”, “BUG Mafia” (clips "Viata Noastra" and "Pantelimonul Petrece"), the band “Zero”, “Provincialii”, “Damian Draghici“, “Jukebox“, “Amadeus“, “Xenti Runceanu“, “Mario V“, “Dj Nato“, “Radio Brasov“, “Radio Dynamic“.

Activity in the field of acting:
Collaborated with: Globus Circus in the show for children "Fairy Mirror", National Operetta Theatre "Ion Dacian" in the musical "Rebecca" (awarded the "Performance of the Year 2012"), “Divertis”, the show “Serviciul Roman de Comerdie”, Hebrew Comedy Theatre ( in “Vassa Jeleznova” - the role of Rachel, “Povestea Vorbii” by Anton Pann, “Persii”), “Pietreanu Radu”, “Razvan Barseti”.
